ALR founder, Yari with her dog Holly
It all started in 2010 with the founder, Yari Soto and her love for all animals. Throughout the years she’d find animals in need- wether they were strays, surrendered or even abused and neglected. She’d take them in to her home, get them the medical attention they needed, as well as food and supplies. Everything was paid for out of her pocket. The more her friends and family became aware of her love for rescue, the more people would contact her about new cases they’ve come across, asking if she can help.
The animal intakes were increasing and there was a limit as to how much Yari could do, being that she’s only one person. It wasn’t until 2020, a decade later, that she decided to put the wheels in motion and start a non profit organization to help alleviate the cost of vetting, food and supplies. Funds started increasing, but so did the number of animals coming in.
When Yari looked around and found herself surrounded by 12+ animals under her roof, she decided it was time to ask for help. Thankfully, an abundance of applications came in with animal lovers looking to donate their time and care for these beautiful animals. Within 6 months of the rescue opening, ALR had over 150 fosters, more than 100 volunteers and best of all- 228 animals had been saved!
“It definitely hasn’t been an easy journey. A lot of literal sweat blood and tears but worth every second of it all. Knowing that the lives of these amazing animals are forever changed because of the work we do at ALR is an incredibly beautiful thing” said founder, Yari Soto.
As a 501(c)(3) non profit organization, we solely depend on donations in order for us to pay for medical bills, monthly preventative treatments such as heartworm and flea/tick prevention, food, beds, crates, leashes, boarding fees, and overall expenses related to let care. We can’t do the work we do without YOU. Please consider donating, everything helps.

Report Cruelty
In Florida: 311 (or 911 for crimes in progress)
Contact Us
The best way to contact us is through Instagram direct message, or text us on WhatsApp to (786) 400 - 0253. Please make sure to include your name, the nature of your message and be as descriptive as possible. You may also send us a message using the text box below. *Note: Our messages are answered by volunteers. We will respond to you as soon as possible.